
Ransomware protection: Multilayered solutions for a multilayered threat

Phishing emails. Data exfiltration. System failure. Cyberthreats come in all shapes and sizes – and they just keep coming. Not only do you need to protect your hybrid cloud environment from ransomware, but you also need to quickly detect threats and recover fully in the event of an attack. Are you prepared to face a multilayered threat?

Rogue Ransomware: Fight like a Pro

Downtime from a ransomware attack costs $8,662 per minute.

Protection, detection, and recovery to keep costs under control

When ransomware comes knocking, every second counts. NetApp® best-in-class solutions securely replicate immutable and indelible copies of your data to secondary or object storage, quickly detect anomalies through AI and ML powered monitoring, and restore data in seconds or minutes to get you back online.


Shibaura Institute of Technology

“We have set up a mechanism to detect suspicious behavior and anomalies on the storage in two different layers and to acquire Snapshot copies at the moment of detection. The point is that NetApp’s AI technology automatically executes everything from detection to instant data protection.”

trucks parked in front of building

Bulk transportation company

“We recently experienced a ransomware event, and when we saw what Cloud Insights ransomware detection provides, we were sold.”

noris network logo

noris network

“Safe data copies or cold standbys are essential today. With our high-security data centers and a data fabric from NetApp, we ensure our customers’ business survival.”

two people smiling in an office

Recover your data - guaranteed

Your data is your most valuable asset. Trust NetApp to protect your data from ransomware attacks. If we can’t help you recover your data in the event of a ransomware attack, we will make it right.

two people talking over laptop

Your ransomware protection toolbelt

Click each tab to explore products and services 

boxing gloves

Deliver a knockout punch to ransomware

When ransomware enters the ring, arm your data and deliver the knockout before the first bell. Our data protection specialists are here to coach you through the right protection, ransomware detection, and data recovery strategies. Ransomware doesn't stand a chance.

More than just recovery

Our competitors like to talk a lot about recovering from a ransomware attack. Although recovery is critical, it’s not the whole story. What would you rather do: Clean up the feathers in the henhouse after the fox has torn through it, or keep the hens safe with the fox locked outside?

Our solutions don’t just focus on recovering from an attack. We take a holistic approach to protect your data by blocking malicious files and deploying secure and efficient backups and detecting threats as they unfold, not just after the fact.

Assess your cyberthreat readiness


two people talking over laptop

Next steps

Test drive ransomware protection and recovery

Explore how to configure your storage system to protect your data against a ransomware attack.

Check out ransomware solutions on BlueXP

See how you can identify and fix security vulnerabilities, detect ransomware, and recover quickly from an attack – all on NetApp BlueXP™.

Connect with a cyber resilience specialist

Meet one-on-one with an expert to get all your questions answered and determine what ransomware solutions make sense for your needs.

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